Tag Archives: vacation

Unexpected, yet totally sweet.

27th June 2014


I love when good things happen unexpectedly. Not necessary a surprise on a special occasion, but just something completely totally unexpected. Today, I had my roots retouched (I just really don’t dig the total overgrown midnight black root trend currently happening, sorry…not sorry) and my hair has a slight tinge of lavender, so that was unexpected but pretty fun (this will only last two hair washes max) but I also had a fun catch-up phone date with one of my favorite people. This was really nice considering we had a family dinner before some of my family leave for vacation tomorrow, and I really hate goodbyes.

When we were sitting at dinner tonight, I walked into our favorite mexican restaurant and immediately saw my cousin Presley pointing to a seat next to her at the end of the table. Presley is my favorite person. She is 12-years-old going on 22. I can remember when she was just a baby and I was the only one besides her mother she would ever let hold her. She has gone from being my shadow to my own mini-me.

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