Tag Archives: Star Wars

Your Inner NERD

12th June 2014


Today was a pretty awesome day. Beautiful weather, spent some time with family, and the countdown to Zoobilation is now only HOURS (hear that Mel?) HOURS away! Another reason today was just simply staggering was because I chose to release my inner nerd. We all have this in us, and if you don’t think so, then I am just sorry for your soul.

Although I am a huge fan of the sun and rocking a (much needed) tan, today’s weather was even better solely because I could wear my ‘Star Wars’ leggings before it’s too brutally hot outside. This is probably one of my favorite outfit combos…ever. My black tank top is long enough so when it did become a little hotter hot this afternoon, I was able to take off my chambray shirt and it still worked. You know I love prints, especially during this season, and it doesn’t get much better than ‘Star Wars.’

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It’s right, just not RIGHT now.

13th May 2014


Today started with one of my best friend’s bridal shower. It was incredibly fun and the whole wedding process is just exciting. So, congrats Ashley!

Moving on, today I learned an incredibly valuable lesson. You must find the good in every single situation you face. I know this seems a tad cliche, but it’s true. I know first hand that life does not always go according to your plan, but with that, I have learned you need to keep pushing for what you really want. I refuse to settle in any aspect of my life and the one thing that keeps me going is having faith and knowing it will all work out how it’s meant to be.

I have found that finding the good and being the positive when it seems there isn’t at all helps to conquer the negativity. Yes, it can be difficult being the better person, but having this mentality will lead your farther and make you feel better at the end of the day. And honestly, who wants to be miserable? I’m not saying you need to ecstatic all day, but if you’re upset about something, find something to make you smile. This leads me to my outfit today.

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