Tag Archives: spring

Chic and Sun-Kissed

13th May 2014


Today was a nice surprise for a couple reasons. 1. It was basically summer outside meaning I could finally break out my shorts (hopefully for good). 2. I could FINALLY wear this tank top as it was purposed, and 3. The Cowboys did NOT, I repeat did NOT draft #JohnnyFootball (at least in the first round).

Ok, back to business.

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“On Wednesdays. we wear PINK.”

13th May 2014


Today marks the 10th anniversary for the movie “Mean Girls.” So, today’s post is dedicated to all the mean girls in our lives, and who to replace them with.

In a group of girlfriends, there is always bound to be at least one mean girl. Whether she’s the one without a filter, the one who holds nothing back, or the worst, the one who says everything behind everyone’s back and plays every side, these girls exist in EVERY circle. If you don’t think so, then you haven’t discovered she’s talking about you yet.

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Sweet and Simple

13th May 2014


Today it hit high of 72 degrees! (insert praise emoji) And although it didn’t last for long before the dark clouds overtook the sky, it was just long enough to enjoy the rest of the day. (Even though my nephews were given their first raincoats today and I all I wanted to do was dance in it with them.)

This is one of my favorite transitions for fashion. I love cooler days where I can wear a tank top or like today, a romper and pair it with an over-shirt of some sort and of course finish it with my favorite combat boots.

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Track Meets and Track Pants

13th May 2014


Today marked the first track meet for the Washington Hornets, and also the first day I have decided to stay in “sweats.” I am not one to really dress in “comfy” clothes all day, but with a day full of errands and sporting events, it only seemed appropriate. But being me, I had to put my own style into my look today.

Instead of opting for the most ridiculously comfortable sweatpants on the planet (yes, I’m talking about mens oversized Hanes pants, and yes even the ones with the cuffed bottom) I chose to wear my yoga pants. These are super simple to dress up because 1. they are usually plain and 2. all you need is a jacket to really make the look complete. I chose to wear my favorite jacket from Pacsun. It is super simple and the leather sleeve really gives the entire outfit more of an edgy look.

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A Good Friday, Indeed!

13th May 2014


Today was THE day. The day I have been waiting for since about…well, last June. I was finally able to bring my shorts out! It was a little on the chilly side, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me! Along with the beautiful we day we had, today is also, Good Friday. I’m not sure what you believe, or if this day has any significance to you, but it does for me. Here is great article if you want a little more explanation. Today, I am just reminded to be so thankful for everything I have, and why. We do have an awesome God, and I know I take that for granted, so this is one relationship I am going to continue working on.

With this beautiful weather, I felt inspired by the sixties. This is my absolute FAVORITE decade for fashion. Here is another great article highlighting some of my favorite styles. The sixties really introduced some of my favorite trends that are being brought back today. I love the patterns, the colors (yes, even that terrifically awful mustard yellow) and just the freedom to express yourself through fashion. I am ecstatic to see all these styles come back.

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