Tag Archives: Sale

Sales on Sales on Sales

23rd June 2014


There are a lot of things that make me really happy. One thing is a rainy day. They are so calming and when you have a badass music playlist, it will take more than a little rain to ruin your day. Another thing that makes me happy is a clothing sale. These are usually in every store and it is fun going through (and I mean every.single.hanger) to truly find the gems. Something that makes me the happiest, is when I can wear my fashion find on the rainiest day. Today, was that day.

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A Serious Case of the Mondays

20th May 2014


Most days, I can take on the day without giving in to the negativity. Today, was not one of those days. Like everyone else, I have my fair share of “bad” days. Of course, I try to handle every situation I can, but sometimes, you need to give in and just accept some things you are not in control of. We will have bad days, because we are human. Nothing really triggered this lousy day, it just started unlike I wanted/planned, plus it’s Monday. So there was only one thing I could think to do to avoid a meltdown…break out my favorite pants.

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