Tag Archives: Prints

A Serious Case of the Mondays

20th May 2014


Most days, I can take on the day without giving in to the negativity. Today, was not one of those days. Like everyone else, I have my fair share of “bad” days. Of course, I try to handle every situation I can, but sometimes, you need to give in and just accept some things you are not in control of. We will have bad days, because we are human. Nothing really triggered this lousy day, it just started unlike I wanted/planned, plus it’s Monday. So there was only one thing I could think to do to avoid a meltdown…break out my favorite pants.

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Keep it Trendy!

13th May 2014


Another beautiful day it has been, and then I remember we are suppose to be getting 1-3 inches of snow… so why not take advantage of this weather while we have it?

Today I want to talk about trends. Trends can be tricky because you never really know how long they will last (ie hair feathers, I do really miss those) but today I am wearing three different trends that I am determined to keep current because I love all three of them.

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New Season, New Love

13th May 2014


Ok, so I know today is not technically Spring, but it feels like it, so I’m going with it. Just knowing I could be outside all day today without a jacket is uplifting. That said, it’s a new season, and time for a new love. These past couple of months have been anything but easy for me. There’s been the classic combination of heartbreak, doubt and loneliness, I mean honestly, this is what our twenties are for right? But today, I am dedicating this season to find love again, starting with most importantly, loving myself.

I am still trying to figure out what to do with my life, and I am young enough to make mistakes and still be OK. This is somewhat reassuring. Knowing there are so many opportunities in this world has made me grateful that I am continuing this journey of self-discovery by myself, and I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am fully aware it will be a lonely life for some time, but it will be worth it in the end. Thankfully, I have the best support system anyone could ask for (and I know everyone says this, but truly, thank you to my family and friends for being my rock and for your continued support on this crazy ride).

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