Tag Archives: life

Making It Up As I Go Along

14th October 2015


Twenty-six has already started off better than I can imagine. I went back and re-read last year’s blog post and I was pleasantly surprised at how much has remained the same, yet this year is starting with major life changes. Unlike last year, I had no idea what I was going to do with life. I had never felt more confused, heartbroken and insecure before.

Turning 25 felt like a milestone and it was the year to truly get to know and love myself. I spent the year living at home; yes with my parents, yes as a college graduate and yes it wasn’t what I wanted or imagined at all. Reflecting on this last year, I could not be happier with how everything happened. It felt like I had hit rock bottom in every way and I had no idea how to pick up the pieces and start over. Thankfully, in large part to my family, friends (and John Green), I started a new job, worked with wonderful people and grew as a person and I formed relationships that I will always be thankful for.

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Don’t Be Afraid To Suck

15th July 2015


Living in the same state as John Green is cool to think about. Being in the same room as John Green is even cooler to think about. Hearing writing advice from him is almost out of this world. I was able to do this yesterday and it was by far one of the most inspiring discussions I’ve ever be a part of (including hearing Oprah!) The one message I took from listening to him and a few of the actors from the movie “Paper Towns” is to not be afraid to suck.

I know this is easy for John Green to say because he is so accomplished now. Everyone knows who he is and he has the ability to make you feel every emotion with a single sentence. His writing has inspired others, like me, to chase their dreams. “Paper Towns” has been my favorite book of his so far because similar to his other stories, the characters are so relatable, and so alive. The not so subtle message in “Paper Towns” is to see people as more complex instead of just a single definition, and also to find yourself. This has been a challenge but I am getting a good grip of who I want to be and what I want to do.

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Is 66 is the new 26?

10th July 2014


Tonight started pretty casually. First we met up with everyone around 5ish, I say “ish” because I was running a little fashionably late, as usual. We all decided to meet at the Lake City Bank on Highway 15. We were the last car to arrive, but everyone else had to wait for us, because we had to lead them to the show, because we were the only ones who knew the directions. We took off down 15 and after traveling the longest 27 miles of my life, we arrived at the show and found our parking spot on the outside edge to join the rest of the 400 plus cars already there. We opened our doors and the music was blaring as we joined the crowd.

This may sound like a typical summer night filled with shenanigans for a regular 20-something, but tonight, I was spending my evening at a car show with my nana, papa and their friends.

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