Tag Archives: important

Back, By Popular Demand

11th March 2015


One thing that I absolutely hate is feeling forgotten. One thing I absolutely love is feeling appreciated and important. One thing that happened after not blogging for almost a month, was a numerous amount of people asking when I was posting again. This felt even more amazing and made me think about a few things going on in my life right now.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in a coffee shop and writing before taking on another night shift at work. Most times, I am so focused on a scene I am writing or deciding which song to play next, so I usually do not pay attention to anyone who walks in. This night, I was typing away and became distracted. I saw a teacher that I had in high school, which was seven…yes seven, years ago. I think I have completely changed since then so when I see a teacher, or someone I graduated with, the situation is usually greeted with a smile and then followed with the awkward, yet unavoidable small talk and catch up session, or completely avoided. This situation was different. I loved this teacher when I had her, but after seven years, it’s hard to tell if she even still knew my name.

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