Tag Archives: girly

Making It Up As I Go Along

14th October 2015


Twenty-six has already started off better than I can imagine. I went back and re-read last year’s blog post and I was pleasantly surprised at how much has remained the same, yet this year is starting with major life changes. Unlike last year, I had no idea what I was going to do with life. I had never felt more confused, heartbroken and insecure before.

Turning 25 felt like a milestone and it was the year to truly get to know and love myself. I spent the year living at home; yes with my parents, yes as a college graduate and yes it wasn’t what I wanted or imagined at all. Reflecting on this last year, I could not be happier with how everything happened. It felt like I had hit rock bottom in every way and I had no idea how to pick up the pieces and start over. Thankfully, in large part to my family, friends (and John Green), I started a new job, worked with wonderful people and grew as a person and I formed relationships that I will always be thankful for.

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