Tag Archives: friends

Who Run The World? Girls.

18th August 2015


I have fully accepted being  the “voice of reason” in my group of friends. Though, knowing this almost makes me question their sanity. It is comforting talking them through their issues because we all relate in one way or another, and once again, I am reminded that no one has life figured out, but it’s so much more difficult accepting that when things aren’t going as we hoped.

Recently, through various hours of conversation, dinners and even face timing, we have all managed to feel unwanted in one aspect. Everyone has their own issues, whether that is job related, personal relationships, friendships and life in general, we are all experiencing this in our own way. Personally, I know this completely sucks and I wouldn’t wish this empty feeling on even the rudest person. But, as we always close our conversations we each other, we are reminded that life does go on, even when it feels like it wont.

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This One’s for the Girls

23rd September 2014


I recently watched Emma Watson’s speech on feminism. She has always been one of my favorite actresses for several reasons. I think she is incredibly classy, she is a positive role model and finally, she has killer style. After listening to her speak on feminism, I am an even bigger fan now and I am so happy with the awareness she is raising. Women, like men, are just as important in every aspect of the world. I was at dinner tonight with my closest girlfriends, and I know I talk about them so frequently on here, but they are all such strong, powerful individuals, so of course I am going to brag a little bit.

We are lucky when we all can get together and share dinner to catch up on everyone’s lives. Our dinner’s aren’t necessary always filled with positive news, but tonight was an exception. Even though we have all grown up together, we are all in such different phases of life. Everyone took their turn talking about themselves, with non-stop interjection of course. Two of my best friends are going through a divorce, and although this is not something to be taken lightly, they are so positive about it and still encourage each other. This kind of strength is so admirable and I tell them constantly how proud I am of them for being strong enough to  do what they need to be happy. I hope to be as strong as them one day.

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This is what They’re for

8th September 2014


Some things in my life have a very specific purpose. These few things, happen to be my favorite things. Today, I instantly grabbed my favorite flannel because its purpose is to wear it over just about any other piece of clothing I own, especially in Fall. It is my favorite, because it is comforting. Also topping my list of favorites are my people. My family.

My family can read me like their favorite book. They know when I am having a good day from a bad day, and even when I think I have a believable poker face, they prove me wrong. Something they are terrible at though, is leaving me alone, but I secretly love this about each of them. No matter what, they are always there to build me up, support me, crowd my space (in the best way) and love me unconditionally. This is what they’re for.

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Now & Then

20th August 2014


I have been fortunate enough to meet many versatile people in my short 24 years of life, so far. Like my personal style, some faces were meant to be a part of my life for only a short period, but there are others, a rare few others that I have met that are meant to stay in my life forever. Even though we do not see each other every single day like we once did, when we reunite, it feels as if we’re still sitting around my ugly cream colored round kitchen table like no time has passed at all. We don’t every detail of each other’s lives, but we do know the important ones and at the end of the conversation, it doesn’t feel like we are separated by 700 miles.

Our friendship was basically destiny. When I started first grade, my mom bought me a seriously repulsive backpack. It was green plaid with black leather pockets (I’d totally love it and rock it today, but back when I was 7-years-old I thought only black Nike Tees and my brother’s shorts were trendy.) I hated the thought of carrying that to school, but I had no choice. Within the first week of school, I brought home the wrong bag (believe it or not, someone else was torturing their daughter and forcing her to carry this bag as well.) The only way to get the bags switched was to meet up in person and boom…instantly best friends from that moment on.

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Blue, with a hint of ‘Violet’

17th August 2014


Sometimes, something you hear leaves an impression, sometimes it’s something you see and other times, it’s the one thing you don’t see that leaves the strongest feeling.

This past weekend was jam packed with different events. One of my best friends was visiting from out of town and I really wanted her to have a good time. Warsaw isn’t the most thrilling of places, so I decided we would travel to Fort Wayne to watch the play, “Violet.” Other than being friends with one of the actors, we didn’t know much about this play, so we went in pretty blind sighted but left with a mix of emotions (all wonderful) and singing the songs the entire 45 miles back home. We laughed, cried and even at one point truly wanted Violet to end up with the jerk because he started to really show his sweet side. I don’t want to give too much away, but this is a show for everyone to see.

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The Company You Keep

29th July 2014


Anything can be enjoyable if you’re with the right people. I am truly fortunate to have the same close core friend group I have had for years now. We can tell each other anything without being judged (most times) bring each other up to pace with our daily dramas and of course, always be there to listen when someone needs it the most. In my group of friends I am so lucky to have a wide mix of personalities. I have the “Old Soul,” the “Girly,” the “Hopeless Romantic,” the “Mama Bird” the “Free Spirit,” the “Newlywed” the “Risk Taker” and one of my personal favorites, the “Bat Shit Crazy.”

The past couple of days, “crazy” and I spent our days galavanting around Warsaw and Winona Lake. We are quite the duo when we are together, and she is the one friend that reminds me it is perfectly acceptable to be unique and always, be myself. I admire her confidence and how easily she portrays herself even in the company of strangers. She has helped me to care less about what people think.

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Heartwarming at a Housewarming

13th July 2014


This past weekend, and for the first time in a decent amount of time, most of my closest friends came together. Instead of celebrating the typical birthday party, or having a a girls’ night that is long overdue, we all came together for a different type of celebrating. Although there was a good amount of beer pong and my partner and I still remain undefeated (not trying to brag, but we do rule) we celebrated our friends buying their first home and starting this next phase of their life.

It is too incredibly easy to feel the need to rush into something, especially when you see your friends doing it. It is also too easy to feel pressured or feel like you’re behind in life when you aren’t at the same phase as some people. This can really take a toll not only on you, but also your closest relationships. Of course, I am jealous of the beautiful home my friends just bought and they are both starting their careers with jobs they truly enjoy, but the moment you get too caught up in yourself, is when you start forgetting the entire point.

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