Tag Archives: Floral

People, are just that.

27th July 2015


This past week, I spent my days discovering one of the loves of my life, Tennessee. I went on a family vacation, and one of the biggest things I took from this, other than it being near impossible to coordinate with 18 people, is that I am worthy to be heard.

One day during our vacation, I visited my friend Jessica in Nashville. There is nothing bad I can say about this city. I loved the view, the incredibly homey cafe we had coffee at and of course the southern charm of everyone we met. She invited me to an anniversary party at a recording studio. Of course, I decided to go, but I had no idea what or who I would be walking into at this soiree.

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Time is of the Essence

16th July 2014


When I was younger,like most, I could not wait to “grow up” and to become a real “adult.” A few ages in particular felt like milestones. At 13, I was now a teenager and no longer considered a child and it was time I could finally ditch the kiddie table to join the adults at family holidays. At 16, I was taken more seriously in high school, and I had a wonderful “Sweet 16” party filled with awkward dances with all the cute boys I barely spoke to in class. 2 years later, at 18, I graduated and could not wait to escape my small town and begin college. At 21, I felt on top of the world. I was excelling in what felt like everything; friendships/relationships, discovering and pursuing my passions and still managed to have time to still have fun. Now, at 24, everything is contradictory from when I was 13. All I want is for time to slow down.

Life is funny.

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28th May 2014


The big countdown for the Caudill/Davis wedding is officially at THREE days! It’s remarkable how quickly times passes. Ashley, being the lovely and crazy creative individual she is, decided that she wanted us all to make our own bouquets that we carry down the aisle on the big day. How cool is that? We all ventured to Fort Wayne to create our own bouquets at the floral outlet, so I decided to wear my romper to give all of us a little inspiration.

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23rd May 2014


I am still adjusting to my new hair, (which I love!) surprisingly, most people are telling me it looks incredibly natural. If they are being honest, then that is awesome, if not, well I appreciate their kindness and white lies. As I thought, this hair color does make putting outfits together a fun challenge.

I wanted to go for a more girly look today to switch it up a bit and I knew exactly what I wanted to wear. One of my best friends surprised me with my sunflower skirt for my birthday last October and I love wearing it through the various seasons (thanks Mel!) This skirt is really fun and versatile because it has two long slits in the front, so you can either wear it with tights when it is colder, or wear it without when it is warmer because the fabric is sheer and really light. Another thing I love about this skirt (aside from the obvious floral print) is that it has a high waist.

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A White Blank Page

17th May 2014


I love days when a good song is stuck in my head. Fortunately, today this song was “White Blank Page” by Mumford and Sons. This song is definitely in my top 5 favorite songs ever (and it’s incredible live.) When I woke up to this song today, I took it as a sign to wear my Mumford and Sons t-shirt I bought at their concert this time last year. I will always remember that night because it was one of the best i’ve ever had and it all last minute. Honestly though, how can you beat awesome music with one of your best friends? You can’t.(Thanks again, Travis, and ps…we’re going again!!!)

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My first impression

16th May 2014


Today started by finally meeting one of the most handsome little boys…ever! Little Eli is as perfect as it gets. He has the sweetest little angelic face framed with the most gorgeous auburn hair. First impression: it was love at first sight. I, on the other hand, wanted to make a great first impression to this little bundle, and I know he won’t remember meeting me (or gripping onto my finger the entire time I was holding him) but there will be pictures, and I want him to remember that his Aunt Siara had some serious style, and you never have a second chance to make a first impression.

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Embracing Change

15th May 2014


Welcome to my new and improved website…finally! (Insert HUGE freakout!) This transition has been such a bittersweet process, but I am truly so happy with the outcome that not even a little rain could spoil it…FYI that is why my hair looks a hot mess in this photo.

I wanted a more mature look and feel to this blog, because this is something that is truly meaningful to me, and I hope something that gives you a little inspiration each time you visit! This post is going to be dedicated to the future, and new beginnings. Speaking of, one of my best friends welcomed her second child to the world today (can’t wait to meet you, Eli)! (Insert even BIGGER freakout) Life is truly such a beautiful thing.

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Chic and Sun-Kissed

13th May 2014


Today was a nice surprise for a couple reasons. 1. It was basically summer outside meaning I could finally break out my shorts (hopefully for good). 2. I could FINALLY wear this tank top as it was purposed, and 3. The Cowboys did NOT, I repeat did NOT draft #JohnnyFootball (at least in the first round).

Ok, back to business.

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“On Wednesdays. we wear PINK.”

13th May 2014


Today marks the 10th anniversary for the movie “Mean Girls.” So, today’s post is dedicated to all the mean girls in our lives, and who to replace them with.

In a group of girlfriends, there is always bound to be at least one mean girl. Whether she’s the one without a filter, the one who holds nothing back, or the worst, the one who says everything behind everyone’s back and plays every side, these girls exist in EVERY circle. If you don’t think so, then you haven’t discovered she’s talking about you yet.

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Happy Easter!

13th May 2014


There are so many reasons to love Easter. 1. Typically, you are always surrounded by your family, 2. It’s a day to celebrate Jesus, and 3. It’s definitely a day to show off some style.

This year, I decided to splurge a little bit. From my previous posts, I have talked about how to budget, where to find sales and how to shop clearance. I still hold to all of that, but sometimes you deserve to spoil yourself. Sometimes you find a piece that you love, and if you do I think you just need to splurge a little and buy it. Eventually, you will find a purpose for it or an event to wear it to. So, just do it. I’m not saying go crazy and buy the next pair of Louboutins you see, but just be realistic within your means, and do NOT feel guilty about it.

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