Tag Archives: crop top

Momma knows best.

2nd July 2014


I am about to admit something I never thought I would. We may not agree on everything, and argued a lot during my adolescence, but today, I can finally agree, that my mother indeed does know best.

My relationship with my mother is the best relationship I have. She has been in constant support of me since I can remember, even when I told her I was moving to a “big city” at 5-years-old. She knows exactly what to say when I am feeling discouraged, and I know she isn’t saying it build me up (ok, maybe a little bit), but she truly believes in my goals and pushes me to achieve them.

She has been there for every single experience, no matter how big or small with constant encouragement. She came home from work work early ready to go on a full blown shopping spree for new clothes to cheer me up when I needed a shoulder to cry on during the worst heartbreak I’ve ever known. She was there when my “friends” showed their true colors and all along, she still managed to find the good in every situation, and every person.

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Unexpected, yet totally sweet.

27th June 2014


I love when good things happen unexpectedly. Not necessary a surprise on a special occasion, but just something completely totally unexpected. Today, I had my roots retouched (I just really don’t dig the total overgrown midnight black root trend currently happening, sorry…not sorry) and my hair has a slight tinge of lavender, so that was unexpected but pretty fun (this will only last two hair washes max) but I also had a fun catch-up phone date with one of my favorite people. This was really nice considering we had a family dinner before some of my family leave for vacation tomorrow, and I really hate goodbyes.

When we were sitting at dinner tonight, I walked into our favorite mexican restaurant and immediately saw my cousin Presley pointing to a seat next to her at the end of the table. Presley is my favorite person. She is 12-years-old going on 22. I can remember when she was just a baby and I was the only one besides her mother she would ever let hold her. She has gone from being my shadow to my own mini-me.

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23rd May 2014


I am still adjusting to my new hair, (which I love!) surprisingly, most people are telling me it looks incredibly natural. If they are being honest, then that is awesome, if not, well I appreciate their kindness and white lies. As I thought, this hair color does make putting outfits together a fun challenge.

I wanted to go for a more girly look today to switch it up a bit and I knew exactly what I wanted to wear. One of my best friends surprised me with my sunflower skirt for my birthday last October and I love wearing it through the various seasons (thanks Mel!) This skirt is really fun and versatile because it has two long slits in the front, so you can either wear it with tights when it is colder, or wear it without when it is warmer because the fabric is sheer and really light. Another thing I love about this skirt (aside from the obvious floral print) is that it has a high waist.

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Chic and Sun-Kissed

13th May 2014


Today was a nice surprise for a couple reasons. 1. It was basically summer outside meaning I could finally break out my shorts (hopefully for good). 2. I could FINALLY wear this tank top as it was purposed, and 3. The Cowboys did NOT, I repeat did NOT draft #JohnnyFootball (at least in the first round).

Ok, back to business.

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A Good Friday, Indeed!

13th May 2014


Today was THE day. The day I have been waiting for since about…well, last June. I was finally able to bring my shorts out! It was a little on the chilly side, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me! Along with the beautiful we day we had, today is also, Good Friday. I’m not sure what you believe, or if this day has any significance to you, but it does for me. Here is great article if you want a little more explanation. Today, I am just reminded to be so thankful for everything I have, and why. We do have an awesome God, and I know I take that for granted, so this is one relationship I am going to continue working on.

With this beautiful weather, I felt inspired by the sixties. This is my absolute FAVORITE decade for fashion. Here is another great article highlighting some of my favorite styles. The sixties really introduced some of my favorite trends that are being brought back today. I love the patterns, the colors (yes, even that terrifically awful mustard yellow) and just the freedom to express yourself through fashion. I am ecstatic to see all these styles come back.

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Thanks for the memories

13th May 2014


This has been one interesting week to say the least, and when I say interesting, I mean that in the best way possible. I have let a few people go in my life over the past couple of months. Some were necessary, some were not, but regardless, none of it was simple. The whole time I have been wondering if any of this was a mistake, but I try to live my life without regrets. Of course, I wish in all cases, things were said differently, but at the end of the day, I have come to realize it happened. It was. It’s time to move on, but if there was one final thing I could say to the few that aren’t a part of my life anymore, it would simply be: Thanks for the memories. Good/bad/funny/awful/heartbreaking/loving, we did share something.

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Keep it Trendy!

13th May 2014


Another beautiful day it has been, and then I remember we are suppose to be getting 1-3 inches of snow… so why not take advantage of this weather while we have it?

Today I want to talk about trends. Trends can be tricky because you never really know how long they will last (ie hair feathers, I do really miss those) but today I am wearing three different trends that I am determined to keep current because I love all three of them.

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