Category Archives: Uncategorized

On Hold with Sean Giovanni

25th May 2019

This week, I am so excited to share Sean Giovanni’s story with you. He is the owner of The Record Shop, a recording studio and production company here in Nashville, TN. Sean “Gio” graciously allowed me to shadow him in the studio for various sessions when I first moved to Nashville. Our paths continued crossing and today, he is such a wonderful friend and mentor. His story is one for everyone, and he has taught me such a valuable lesson that I am thrilled to share with you all. Tune in for On Hold with Sean Giovanni!

On Hold with Tarah Duarte

16th May 2019

This week, I am On Hold with Tarah Duarte. Tarah and I used to worked together at a record label when we both first moved to Nashville. Our stories are so similar and we became friends immediately. Navigating through Nashville isn’t simple, but Tarah was always a positive force for me and showed me that no matter the struggle or how challenging some days can be, you are never alone. I am so happy to introduce her to you, but even more happy I can call her my friend. Here is Tarah Duarte.

On Hold with Dennis Banka

8th May 2019

Dennis Banka is the Program Director for WUCZ in Carthage, TN. We sat down for the first time at Country Radio Seminar in February, and our interview was cut short due to a soundcheck happening in the same room. Sometimes, you really can’t put everything On Hold in the music industry. Fortunately, Dennis was kind enough to sit down with me again, this time at his radio station. We talk all things country radio and how he’s protecting the format. Thanks for tuning in!

On Hold with Austin Evans

1st May 2019

I had the pleasure to sit down and speak with Workshop Music founder, and CEO Austin Evans. He and his wife Kayla established the Workshop Music, a 24 hour songwriting studio, four years ago. Austin was also one of the first people I met when I moved to Nashville three years ago. He and Kayla are so supportive of the songwriters and artists they meet through the Workshop and it is such a privilege to share his story with you.

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Instagram @TheWorkshopMusic

On Hold with JD Justice

17th April 2019

This week’s guest is JD Justice. He is the new program director for the station KXIA in Marshalltown, IA. It is such a joy speaking with someone who is passionate with music and their career. JD is the new program director, but it’s already so apparent how much he cares. Thanks for tuning in!

It’s Not Always Black and White

25th January 2019

It’s really been one of those weeks where most things have done just about everything except fall in to place. After several conversations with close friends and my mom, I have also realized it hasn’t been one these weeks for only me. So, if you also lost power with minutes left of getting ready, felt forced to accept winter, felt bummed your friend can’t visit because she’s sick, or even felt inadequate in any facet, then this post is for you!

When I have these days, it’s so simple and tirelessly frustrating focusing on ONLY the negatives. Then I feel lost in an endless downward spiral. This usually results in disregarding all the wonderful things that have also happened this week. I am not naïve to the fact that as humans, we will have negative experiences and bad days, but it can always get better (and for those who are now saying, yes and it can always get worse, it most certainly will with that attitude.)

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What Lifts You

1st July 2016


The last two months have been a whirlwind. I’ve experienced the exhilarating highs of overcoming challenges with a new city, new relationships and a position at work, and I’ve also endured the painful lows of self doubt and saying goodbye. Throughout this whole process, I’ve also managed to discover what lifts me in both the best times, and the most difficult.

Since moving away from everything that was comfortable, I’ve had no choice but to see the good in every situation and every person I’ve encountered over the last six months in a new city. This has more often than not, forced me to rely on finding the silver lining in everything and rely on these new relationships I am forming. These relationships are what lift me when I am starting to experience doubt myself, or even question any decision I’ve made.

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Becoming A Bonafide Badass

21st February 2016

This post is dedicated to those who broke my heart, those who left while I was trying to piece it back together and to one person who taught me I am worthy and makes me feel like bonafide badass.

I don’t believe that I have met anyone by accident. I adore most people and anytime I meet someone new, no matter how the relationship unveils, I go into every relationship knowing I am going to learn something new. A recent relationship has taught me to accept that I am capable of anything I want to do with my life.

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Making It Up As I Go Along

14th October 2015


Twenty-six has already started off better than I can imagine. I went back and re-read last year’s blog post and I was pleasantly surprised at how much has remained the same, yet this year is starting with major life changes. Unlike last year, I had no idea what I was going to do with life. I had never felt more confused, heartbroken and insecure before.

Turning 25 felt like a milestone and it was the year to truly get to know and love myself. I spent the year living at home; yes with my parents, yes as a college graduate and yes it wasn’t what I wanted or imagined at all. Reflecting on this last year, I could not be happier with how everything happened. It felt like I had hit rock bottom in every way and I had no idea how to pick up the pieces and start over. Thankfully, in large part to my family, friends (and John Green), I started a new job, worked with wonderful people and grew as a person and I formed relationships that I will always be thankful for.

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