Author Archives: Siara

Unexpected, yet totally sweet.

27th June 2014


I love when good things happen unexpectedly. Not necessary a surprise on a special occasion, but just something completely totally unexpected. Today, I had my roots retouched (I just really don’t dig the total overgrown midnight black root trend currently happening, sorry…not sorry) and my hair has a slight tinge of lavender, so that was unexpected but pretty fun (this will only last two hair washes max) but I also had a fun catch-up phone date with one of my favorite people. This was really nice considering we had a family dinner before some of my family leave for vacation tomorrow, and I really hate goodbyes.

When we were sitting at dinner tonight, I walked into our favorite mexican restaurant and immediately saw my cousin Presley pointing to a seat next to her at the end of the table. Presley is my favorite person. She is 12-years-old going on 22. I can remember when she was just a baby and I was the only one besides her mother she would ever let hold her. She has gone from being my shadow to my own mini-me.

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Sales on Sales on Sales

23rd June 2014


There are a lot of things that make me really happy. One thing is a rainy day. They are so calming and when you have a badass music playlist, it will take more than a little rain to ruin your day. Another thing that makes me happy is a clothing sale. These are usually in every store and it is fun going through (and I mean every.single.hanger) to truly find the gems. Something that makes me the happiest, is when I can wear my fashion find on the rainiest day. Today, was that day.

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Wedding Belles!

22nd June 2014


This has been one busy wedding season. From standing with one of my oldest and dearest friends on her special day, to attending ceremonies for friends from college, weddings are such a special event, that requires special attire, of course. Dressing for a wedding and for a special occasion in general can be pretty tricky, but here are a few of favorite trends and some hints for future occasions!

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19th June 2014


I waited for the “huge” thunderstorm all day today. Rainy days make me want to stay in with a cup of coffee (or seven) and write, and then binging on Netflix in between breaks. Now all of this is wonderful on its own, but rocking a comfortable outfit in the entire process (not including sweatpants) is the real game changer.

I will say this time and time again, sweat pants are for the gym, or exercising in general, only. When I like to feel comfortable, I’m talking wearing leggings, shorts or my personal seasonal favorite: the wide-legged pant.

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16th June 2014

This season, I have seen many trends but one that has stuck out that I’ve been wanting to try is all white. I LOVE a monochromatic look, it just looks and feels really sophisticated. After putting this look together, it just looked like it was missing something, besides another splash of a different color. At this point, I usually throw on a headband or hat, but I’m always experimenting with accessories so I knew what I had to wear with this…a floral crown. And it just so happens, I have the best dad who is always ready to help me when I need it, so we used the materials we had and created this beautiful crown of roses! (DIY Tutorial is at the bottom of this post!)

With the crown added, it really pulled me whole look together. Monochromatic may sound boring because it’s literally one color, but you can really rock this style a few different ways. You can always wear different shades of the same color. Case and point, my look today, I have white shorts, a white cami and then an off-white, almost cream over shirt. Differing the color in each piece will also give a more color blocking look, and this trend is a fun one too. Give this look a try (sans crown if you must) you really stand out, surprisingly even more when you rock just one shade!

Steal my look today: BDG Shorts: Urban Outfitters, Tank Top: Kohl’s, Rampage Button-Up: TJ Maxx

FLORAL CROWN DIY: Continue reading

Rocking my ORANGE @ Zoobilation

14th June 2014


Orange carpets, black tie, spending an evening with one of best friends AND doing all of this for animals? YES, count me in. This, is Zoobilation (in the simplest definition).

This was my first year attending Zoobilation, and I really had no idea what I was in for. Melanie was really great for giving me a lot of details, but this is really something you need to experience first hand. The main thing I knew and kept in mind while planning my attire was that the theme for the event was “Rock your Orange.” Perfect, the one color missing from my closet. Then I remembered a special dress that I had bought weeks ago for my friend’s bridal shower, and it was the perfect burnt orange color that really gave a 70’s vibe (hell yes).

Side note: I may have had 3 other dresses in the running for this event, but when it came down to it, I felt confident and classy in my 70’s burnt orange number, so that was almost a no brainer (after a 20 min. fashion show of course).

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Your Inner NERD

12th June 2014


Today was a pretty awesome day. Beautiful weather, spent some time with family, and the countdown to Zoobilation is now only HOURS (hear that Mel?) HOURS away! Another reason today was just simply staggering was because I chose to release my inner nerd. We all have this in us, and if you don’t think so, then I am just sorry for your soul.

Although I am a huge fan of the sun and rocking a (much needed) tan, today’s weather was even better solely because I could wear my ‘Star Wars’ leggings before it’s too brutally hot outside. This is probably one of my favorite outfit combos…ever. My black tank top is long enough so when it did become a little hotter hot this afternoon, I was able to take off my chambray shirt and it still worked. You know I love prints, especially during this season, and it doesn’t get much better than ‘Star Wars.’

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Embracing the Faults

11th June 2014


I finished reading “The Fault in Our Stars” today. I started reading it last night, and really just could not put it down. Even though the book is ALWAYS better, I am still excited to watch this tear jerker with my girlfriends. Finishing this book made me think about life…I know, cliche, but sometimes I feel like I take a lot for granted, and I know I’m not the only one.

This book is centered around two teenagers with cancer, who fall in love. Long story short (you’re welcome for ignoring the heart wrenching details) lives are lost, but the silver lining is being thankful for their incredibly short time together.

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Inspired by A Pretty Little LiAr

10th June 2014


Season five of Pretty Little Liars airs tonight..finally! It only seemed appropriate to wear something that reminded me of my favorite character, Aria. Each episode I swear she is my spirit animal, and I truly love her style on the show the most. With such a popular show and characters, it is fun to use them as inspiration and trying out new looks and styles.

If you do not know much about the show, it is basically super unrealistic, but wonderfully dramatic. Four best friends are trying to figure out who has been stalking them for the past couple of years. It is super intense, obvi and the cast has such diverse personalities, but even more importantly, they each have their own killer style. Aria definitely dresses the edgiest out of the other three girls and she makes everything from comic book print, the color black and skulls work flawlessly.

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Day to Night

9th June 2014


Today we celebrated Natalie’s 21st birthday (love you girl!) and we planned to go out immediately after dinner with everyone. This gave me one option for what I was going to wear today. I had to choose something that would quickly evolve into an evening outfit.

Earlier today, I wore this complete outfit, minus my checkered jacket. Instead, I wore a sheer purple top over everything. All I had to do to make this a “going out” look was to switch my over shirts. I chose this checkered jacket because when I go out, I tend to gravitate toward an edgier look versus anything else, because it’s just my personal favorite, and as seen from previous posts, I have a lot more of these options.

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