Author Archives: Siara

Concert Tee Series: New Year, Hate Me

2nd January 2019

Recently, I have heard most people talk about their worst parts of 2018. Sure, I had plenty of bad or off days, but when I reflect on the past year, there was so much more good and that’s what I’m choosing to focus on. I am going in to 2019 as the same me, but with real goals. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in New Year’s resolutions, but this year feels different and I could not be more excited or more ready. Today’s post is also inspired by one of my favorite artists of 2018, Jillian Jacqueline.

I met Jillian on a whim at one of her shows with Kip Moore near the end of this year, which ended up being a highlight for me. She is just as wonderful, sincere and undeniably stylish as you would expect. Even though there was a long meet and greet line, when it was my turn to meet her, she was so friendly and it made me appreciate her and her music even more. She also told me I was stylish (which was outrageous, coming from her) and that my boyfriend and I are super cute (super true). One of my favorite songs of Jillian’s, is “Hate Me” and I’m choosing that as my mantra for 2019. Below are a few goals I have going into what I assume to be a year to remember:

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Concert Tee Series: Date night with Fleet Foxes

18th December 2018

Have you ever been so excited for something; a concert, date night, girls night, guys night, a game, literally anything? You are so excited for said event, that you already have chosen your outfit, accessories included, weeks in advance. You start considering dinner options and who you’re going to said event with, only to realize you are the ONLY person excited and available? Now what? This has happened to me enough times, but one of the most memorable was when Fleet Foxes was coming to town.

Fleet Foxes is another one of my favorite bands. I discovered them around 2015 wondering if I would ever be able to see them live because at the time, their last album was released in 2011 with no signs of anything new. I felt I would only be able to love them from afar and enjoy what little music they had already gifted to us. Flash-forward to 2017, their newest album “Crack Up” was released and this meant they would be going on tour.

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Concert Tee Series: One of my Favorite Bands, Dawes

11th December 2018

Music has always been a constant in my life. Whether it’s background noise breaking up silence and my frenzied thoughts, or just for pure joy, it is ALWAYS playing. This also explains why live shows are one of my favorite things to attend and basically why Nashville is still my favorite city. I didn’t realize how spoiled I would be when I moved here. I really enjoy supporting artists who inspire me and my favorite way to do this is with a good concert tee because I also love wearing a memory. This concert tee series is dedicated to some of my favorite artists, and some of my favorite looks, because there isn’t anything much better than dressing up a concert tee.

Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes, is responsible for writing some of my favorite songs, sparking my soul and healing and deepening my heartbreak. Listening to Dawes also inspires me to be a stronger writer. Something I noticed early on at my first Dawes show, which I still appreciate, is their genuine performance every single time. I have seen them live more than any other artist/band and each time I leave with a cherished memory (and a new tee!)

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What Lifts You

1st July 2016


The last two months have been a whirlwind. I’ve experienced the exhilarating highs of overcoming challenges with a new city, new relationships and a position at work, and I’ve also endured the painful lows of self doubt and saying goodbye. Throughout this whole process, I’ve also managed to discover what lifts me in both the best times, and the most difficult.

Since moving away from everything that was comfortable, I’ve had no choice but to see the good in every situation and every person I’ve encountered over the last six months in a new city. This has more often than not, forced me to rely on finding the silver lining in everything and rely on these new relationships I am forming. These relationships are what lift me when I am starting to experience doubt myself, or even question any decision I’ve made.

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Becoming A Bonafide Badass

21st February 2016

This post is dedicated to those who broke my heart, those who left while I was trying to piece it back together and to one person who taught me I am worthy and makes me feel like bonafide badass.

I don’t believe that I have met anyone by accident. I adore most people and anytime I meet someone new, no matter how the relationship unveils, I go into every relationship knowing I am going to learn something new. A recent relationship has taught me to accept that I am capable of anything I want to do with my life.

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I’m NOT The Hero Of This Story…

19th January 2016


I had no idea what I was going to blog about until I traveled to a nearby boutique to take this picture. Some days feel like they’re straight from hell. Some days your jeep doesn’t start, and sometimes on the same unfortunate day, it’s when you are also accidentally parked in a handicapped parking space. I jumped out and realized this mistake, but because I didn’t intend to be longer than 10 minutes, I stayed in this spot, and now my car is stagnant halfway between two parking spots. It’s been one of those days all day, but today I realized that it is fine to ask for help.

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I’m Movin’ On

7th December 2015


After living here in Nashville for a little over a month, it’s weird to think this almost didn’t happen. At one point during the long debate between choosing a city to restart my life and chase my dreams to work in music, I almost gave up because this idea seemed so much bigger than me. Of course, this was a huge decision and more often than not, this felt like a dream that was too out of reach, even for someone as consistently optimistic as me. I questioned every choice I was making and doubting myself almost the entire step, but for some reason, I pushed through my own negativity and made the choice to chase something I didn’t feel was attainable. I can say this is the best decision I have made…so far. I am reminded of this almost daily when I meet someone new working toward a similar dream to mine, and this week it happened when I met an incredibly talented 13-year-old.

I walked into her open mic and had no idea what to expect. Nashville is full of talent so I knew she had to be pretty good. When she played her first song and started to sing, I was completely blown away. She gave a brief description of her journey in this business so far and at only 13 to already have her dream figured out and how hard she is chasing it already was unbelievable. I know she is going to do huge things and we will all know her name, but even more importantly, she showed me at any age we can chase our dreams and pursue any path we want, as long as we’re willing to work for it.

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Moving Forward And Not Looking Back

27th November 2015


My favorite story from my childhood is the same as my mother’s least beloved. I only remember this story because it is one my mom still constantly reiterates. When I was in Kindergarten, my mom and I were walking downtown in Warsaw and she said I was holding her hand and looked up at her with the utmost sincerity as I told her I was never living in my hometown when I “grew up”. Though it took a few years (20 to be exact), I accomplished what I always said I would and moved to Nashville, TN nearly a month ago.

Anything new is always frightening but part of that rush is what makes it even more exciting. I knew moving to a new city and starting a new career path would be rewarding, but I’m also not naïve to the fact that its going to be lot of hard work at times will be straining. Even though I have been waiting for the big day to move since I was 6-years-old, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified of such a drastic lifestyle change.

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Making It Up As I Go Along

14th October 2015


Twenty-six has already started off better than I can imagine. I went back and re-read last year’s blog post and I was pleasantly surprised at how much has remained the same, yet this year is starting with major life changes. Unlike last year, I had no idea what I was going to do with life. I had never felt more confused, heartbroken and insecure before.

Turning 25 felt like a milestone and it was the year to truly get to know and love myself. I spent the year living at home; yes with my parents, yes as a college graduate and yes it wasn’t what I wanted or imagined at all. Reflecting on this last year, I could not be happier with how everything happened. It felt like I had hit rock bottom in every way and I had no idea how to pick up the pieces and start over. Thankfully, in large part to my family, friends (and John Green), I started a new job, worked with wonderful people and grew as a person and I formed relationships that I will always be thankful for.

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…Because Nice Matters

8th September 2015


The highlight of the last few days has been the diverse interactions i’ve had with people, all of whom were complete strangers and were both vastly positive and negative. I realize and accept that I will never please everyone or one single person all of the time. This was very difficult to accept, but after the last few days, I have realized that I just might have a little more patience than most, and a 20 second interaction can really have lasting impact.

One lesson I was forced to learn the hard way was that no matter how many times you apologize, there are people who will never accept it. I realize this is more difficult when you’re apologizing to a stranger and they cannot detect your sincerity. The only way I was able to get past this was to just accept that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it’s not going to be good enough, especially if the other side is already so negative. Once again, the only thing I have control over is my own reaction to people like this, and I had no choice but to move on knowing that I tried and stay positive.

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