Concert Tee Series: Date night with Fleet Foxes

18th December 2018

Have you ever been so excited for something; a concert, date night, girls night, guys night, a game, literally anything? You are so excited for said event, that you already have chosen your outfit, accessories included, weeks in advance. You start considering dinner options and who you’re going to said event with, only to realize you are the ONLY person excited and available? Now what? This has happened to me enough times, but one of the most memorable was when Fleet Foxes was coming to town.

Fleet Foxes is another one of my favorite bands. I discovered them around 2015 wondering if I would ever be able to see them live because at the time, their last album was released in 2011 with no signs of anything new. I felt I would only be able to love them from afar and enjoy what little music they had already gifted to us. Flash-forward to 2017, their newest album “Crack Up” was released and this meant they would be going on tour.

I bought two tickets (as I usually do when going to a show in hopes someone will go with me) close to four months in advance. Leading up to the show, my boyfriend was on tour so I asked a few other friends if they were interested in going with me. Unfortunately, when the time arrived, no one was available. I was very hesitant to go alone, because I do still prefer being with other people. The night of the show, I almost bailed (yes, on myself) but then I realized I love their music so much so why would I miss it? I walked into the Ryman Auditorium and found my seat next to two girls. They had traveled from Memphis and were just as excited for the music as me. We talked before the show started and in that moment I was so happy I decided to go to the show, and it didn’t feel like I was all alone anymore. As if the night could get any better, one of my best friends who works at the Ryman text me that there was an open seat at the top level. I spent the last half of the show in an open pew with the best view of one of my favorite bands. I sang along to nearly almost every word and had chills when I heard The Shrine/An Argument live.

I wish I could say I am this comfortable and confident by myself all the time, but I am actively working on it and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Life is meant to be exciting, but sometimes it can be uncomfortable. Sometimes, it takes a date night with yourself to realize that even though this night was extremely worth it, I am still a work in progress, and that is something worth celebrating!

1 thought on “Concert Tee Series: Date night with Fleet Foxes

  1. Shena Cable

    As you know, I have been following JD Cable and The Empty Bottle Band around for the last 15 years.. Venues large and small I am there from set up till tear down… More times then not I start out setting alone while he is on stage entertaining the crowd. While being alone, I have met the most amazing people and a few life long friends. Your Momma made the comment one night while we were out that “Shena doesn’t need friends.” Referring to the fact that I march to the beat of my own drums. No matter where I am, I always end up having the best time, even if I start out alone…


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