I’m Movin’ On

7th December 2015


After living here in Nashville for a little over a month, it’s weird to think this almost didn’t happen. At one point during the long debate between choosing a city to restart my life and chase my dreams to work in music, I almost gave up because this idea seemed so much bigger than me. Of course, this was a huge decision and more often than not, this felt like a dream that was too out of reach, even for someone as consistently optimistic as me. I questioned every choice I was making and doubting myself almost the entire step, but for some reason, I pushed through my own negativity and made the choice to chase something I didn’t feel was attainable. I can say this is the best decision I have made…so far. I am reminded of this almost daily when I meet someone new working toward a similar dream to mine, and this week it happened when I met an incredibly talented 13-year-old.

I walked into her open mic and had no idea what to expect. Nashville is full of talent so I knew she had to be pretty good. When she played her first song and started to sing, I was completely blown away. She gave a brief description of her journey in this business so far and at only 13 to already have her dream figured out and how hard she is chasing it already was unbelievable. I know she is going to do huge things and we will all know her name, but even more importantly, she showed me at any age we can chase our dreams and pursue any path we want, as long as we’re willing to work for it.

Last night, I was sitting at dinner and listened in awe to the story of the Rascal Flatts’ song, “I’m Movin’ On” from one of the publishers. To hear that this song, that has impacted so many lives, almost was never even cut, let alone almost not even make it to the album rendered me speechless. All it took was one person to believe in the power of this song. Someone put in the effort and fought to have this song heard, and because of that, it ended up not only making it to the record, but also receiving “Song of the Year.”

It is so easy to doubt ourselves especially when something feels so out of reach. Nashville has given me confidence I never knew existed.  I believe in myself and I know that’s enough to make even my most wild dreams possible. I’ve also learned that even when the black and white monotony seems the most comfortable, there is a bigger, brighter world out there and it’s worth jumping into.

Steal my look today: Jeans: Abercrombie, Hozier concert tee: Hozier concert (probs found online), Flannel: Forever 21, Beanie: Target


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