Don’t Be Afraid To Suck

15th July 2015


Living in the same state as John Green is cool to think about. Being in the same room as John Green is even cooler to think about. Hearing writing advice from him is almost out of this world. I was able to do this yesterday and it was by far one of the most inspiring discussions I’ve ever be a part of (including hearing Oprah!) The one message I took from listening to him and a few of the actors from the movie “Paper Towns” is to not be afraid to suck.

I know this is easy for John Green to say because he is so accomplished now. Everyone knows who he is and he has the ability to make you feel every emotion with a single sentence. His writing has inspired others, like me, to chase their dreams. “Paper Towns” has been my favorite book of his so far because similar to his other stories, the characters are so relatable, and so alive. The not so subtle message in “Paper Towns” is to see people as more complex instead of just a single definition, and also to find yourself. This has been a challenge but I am getting a good grip of who I want to be and what I want to do.

It is so easy to be misunderstood and I think this is the biggest issue I have with my hometown and why I have been so ready to leave for so long. Everyone still sees me as the same shy, babyfaced girl and it has been pretty challenging erasing this image from everyone who thinks they know me. I know I shouldn’t care, but that is easier to say than to actually apply to life.

There have been so many times when it would easier to give up on what I wanted and just settle with the life I have right now, but I know there are bigger things out there and I am ready to see them. John said to be a good writer, we have no choice but to keep reading and keep writing and not to be scared to mess up. Messing up is natural and it taking on life is a scary thing, but nothing will happen if we just stand still and accept the things we aren’t satisfied with. I was talking to my mother earlier today and she said I sounded like my normal self for the first time in a while. I told her there were things I’m not happy with, but I am capable of changing all of these aspects.

To get things done the way we want, we have to embrace it and not be afraid to suck, and just go for it. Change is good and sometimes as simple as changing your outfit.

Steal my look today: Dress: H&M, Booties: T.J. Maxx

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