Rule Breaking: As simple as adding a pair of tights

1st October 2014


I firmly believe that rules are made to be broken, aside from the obvious. The rules I am mainly talking about are the unnecessary rules that we establish for ourselves. In my experience, this has only led to distinct disappointment. Thankfully, this disappointment has shown me how ridiculous these “rules” are and now I am deciding to break them one by one. I started today with an easy one, by wearing shorts in chilly weather.

I’ve been listening and counseling my friends. I love I am the one they all turn to for guidance. I still haven’t quite figured out why I am the chosen one, because I feel I am the least put together of all of us, but looks can be deceiving I suppose. I have noticed a common trend in all of our conversations. Behind all of the discouraging heart-to-hearts, in all aspects from jobs, dating and just every day life is the same underlying issue: life is made far too confusing because of our own rules we are trying to follow.

We are all in our early to mid twenties and this has proven to be the most confusing, yet unveiling time of my life. One of the most important things I have discovered so far, is that going after the things I want, takes me just doing it. Daily conversations revolve around “does he or doesn’t he, this job isn’t right,” and so on. There are no set guidelines or deadlines in life. It shouldn’t matter who makes the first move, and if you aren’t happy with any aspect in your life, or confused about it, do something. You cannot expect answers to anything if you aren’t asking questions.

I love being able to guide my friends, and for the first time, I am actually taking my own advice. Life isn’t going to be any easier by breaking my own rules, but it definitely is proving to be less puzzling. There is no rule saying everything in life must be figured out by a set year or age. Now that I have realized this, I will continue making mistakes and learning, but I will not be disappointed because I haven’t met a foolish deadline I created.

Steal my look today:
Forever 21 sweater: Forever 21, Rock and Republic jean shorts: Kohl’s, Wanted boots: T.J Maxx

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