This One’s for the Girls

23rd September 2014


I recently watched Emma Watson’s speech on feminism. She has always been one of my favorite actresses for several reasons. I think she is incredibly classy, she is a positive role model and finally, she has killer style. After listening to her speak on feminism, I am an even bigger fan now and I am so happy with the awareness she is raising. Women, like men, are just as important in every aspect of the world. I was at dinner tonight with my closest girlfriends, and I know I talk about them so frequently on here, but they are all such strong, powerful individuals, so of course I am going to brag a little bit.

We are lucky when we all can get together and share dinner to catch up on everyone’s lives. Our dinner’s aren’t necessary always filled with positive news, but tonight was an exception. Even though we have all grown up together, we are all in such different phases of life. Everyone took their turn talking about themselves, with non-stop interjection of course. Two of my best friends are going through a divorce, and although this is not something to be taken lightly, they are so positive about it and still encourage each other. This kind of strength is so admirable and I tell them constantly how proud I am of them for being strong enough to  do what they need to be happy. I hope to be as strong as them one day.

We had made it almost all the way through dinner until the final announcement was made. We were waiting on our change from our server when there was another baby announcement made. There is no way to express the feeling when you hear this news for the first time. I wanted to cry, laugh, hug her and squeeze her all at the same time. This will be my fifth friend who will be a mother in a matter of months, and I am ecstatic.

At the moment of her announcement, I looked around the table in awe of the women sitting with me. Each one of them will be amazing mothers when their time comes. They are selfless, strong, caring and independent. I have no doubts they will pass these important traits to their children. I am so proud to call each one of them my friend, and their children are incredibly fortunate they will be raised by such strong women. I can’t wait for April, because this is when two special bundles will be delivered. Of course, I am hoping for two little girls, but either way these little miracles will be brought up in loving households by the strongest and best women I am lucky to call my best friends.

Steal my look today: Forever 21 Jacket, tank top and skirt: Forever 21

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