
16th June 2014

This season, I have seen many trends but one that has stuck out that I’ve been wanting to try is all white. I LOVE a monochromatic look, it just looks and feels really sophisticated. After putting this look together, it just looked like it was missing something, besides another splash of a different color. At this point, I usually throw on a headband or hat, but I’m always experimenting with accessories so I knew what I had to wear with this…a floral crown. And it just so happens, I have the best dad who is always ready to help me when I need it, so we used the materials we had and created this beautiful crown of roses! (DIY Tutorial is at the bottom of this post!)

With the crown added, it really pulled me whole look together. Monochromatic may sound boring because it’s literally one color, but you can really rock this style a few different ways. You can always wear different shades of the same color. Case and point, my look today, I have white shorts, a white cami and then an off-white, almost cream over shirt. Differing the color in each piece will also give a more color blocking look, and this trend is a fun one too. Give this look a try (sans crown if you must) you really stand out, surprisingly even more when you rock just one shade!

Steal my look today: BDG Shorts: Urban Outfitters, Tank Top: Kohl’s, Rampage Button-Up: TJ Maxx



-Fake Flowers (obvi) I bought mine from Walmart the roses were $.97 per bundle (I bought 3) and the baby’s breath was $2 per bundle (I bought one)
-Wire (I actually used Automotive wire in yellow because my dad tied it together on the ends and since he has his own car business, he had some extra supply of this stuff, but regular wire will work fine)
-Floral Tape: I also bought this from Walmart for $1

Step 1:
Shape your wire to fit your head, I suggest adding just a little extra because once you add the flowers, it does become a little tighter.

Step 2:
I used the automotive wire, so where the ends were wound together, I used the electrical tape to tape over it for extra support and so it wouldn’t continuously poke me in the head.

Step 3:
Most fake flower’s stems are made of wire (I think) so I cut down about 2 inches below the flower so I could wrap the wired stem around my automotive wire frame. Your flower will be secure this way too.

Step 4: Continue adding flowers and wrapping their stems around the entire crown until you have the amount you want. For extra support and make the crown look more appealing, I then took the green floral tape and wrapped it around the entire crown. This hid the wire that stuck out a bit and also coated the wire so it wasn’t sticking me in the head each time I put it on.

Step 5: ROCK THE SHIT OUT OF THIS. It is such a fun look, and I received a ton of stares and was told it looked like Mother Nature and very bridal…I think it looks beautiful and it really stepped up my monochromatic vibe, so I will def be wearing this again, and probably very soon.

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