Be Courageous, and Be Kind

24th March 2015


Over the last couple of years, I have had different people tell me that I need to stop fantasizing in a fairy tale and get into the “real world.” I didn’t apologize then and I’m not going to apologize now. One thing that I still don’t understand is how my constant optimism translated to me being stuck in a constant daydream. Over the weekend I went to see “Cinderalla” …for the second time. I love it more every time I watch it. Not only are the clothes perfection and her wedding dress is a dream, but the overall message is something that I value every single day, “be courageous and be kind.”

I know it is easy to overlook the message entirely because the movie is fairy tale and you could argue fairy godparents are non-existent, but being courageous and kind is something that is so real and something everyone is capable of. For those unfamiliar, throughout the movie, Cinderella is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters but she remains kind and at the end of the movie tells her evils stepmother that she forgives her as she leaves her home to marry the prince.

I am faced with adversity daily. I write about crime, death and drug abuse as regularly as I blog about clothes. I have days when I feel like shutting down completely and at times, it’s difficult to be the stronger person for someone else. Through it all, I try to remain as hopeful and optimistic as I can. Some days it’s a struggle, but being mean to anyone for any given reason has never helped any situation (at least in my case.) I also know that is easiest to be rude to those closest to us and I am definitely guilty of that. As easy as it is to explode, it’s just as easy to step back and take a breath.

Though I am optimistic, I realize I am not a princess, I will not end up with Prince Charming or dance in those breath taking glass slippers, unfortunately. One thing I know for sure is that I will continue being kind to anyone I meet and remain as optimistic as I can. I will never apologize for being optimistic, or for daydreaming. Everyone is struggling in some way, and being rude will never help. Just like the movie, I want to continue seeing the world, not as it is, but as it can be.

Seriously..everyone should see the movie at least once.

Steal my look today: Top Shop romper: Top Shop, Dolce Vita wedges: TJ Maxx, A.V.A. sweater: TJ Maxx

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