When one door closes, and then so does seven more…

9th October 2014


There are few things that are more annoying than ambiguous rejection. This is so much worse when things appear to be adept, then the rejection is just more befuddled. Fortunately, because I have had to deal with this type of rejection in various areas of my life continually this year, but I have at least learned how to deal with this misfortune.

Rejection is never fun, and it has never been easy, but it is something that I know will never truly end, so the only way to really move past this, is to simply accept it and move on. Around this time last year, I found myself searching for my “dream job.” It’s taken me almost an entire year to learn that this does not exist. I have had fun working odd jobs to stay busy while constantly looking and not settling for simply anything, but I know there is a starting point to every dream, and for everything.

It would have been very easy to give up months ago and become defeated by rejection, and accept something I truly hate, but I’ve never been one to take the easy way out, and I’m not starting now.

One thing, at least for me, that made rejection harder in the past was that I felt like I owed something to everyone. On the outside it may seem like I do not care how others portray me, but on the inside, I felt the need to impress others and live to their standards. This led to me creating unnecessary and ridiculous rules, and creating absurd deadlines that only stressed me out when I realized I wasn’t meeting any of them.

I have learned recently that those in my life who are worth it, ask questions about me because they care, and I have also learned that there are others who ask simply to gossip. These were the ones I felt I needed deadlines for. I could always differentiate the two, but at least now I only truly care about one side.

Accepting rejection, and accepting that I need to worry about only myself, and not how others see me has been a challenge this year, but I am finally getting a good grasp on it. I have accepted that when one door closes, seven more could slam right after it, but there is that one chance that another opens, and that’s what I am focusing on now, on my own terms.

Steal my look today: Lily Rose floral top: Kohl’s, Forever 21 black pant: Forever 21

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