Cold as Ice

3rd September 2014


Perception can be a tricky thing. I give everyone a fair chance and I am kind to everyone I meet, and I like to think I can read people very well. I’ve only been wrong a few times. This made me wonder what people’s first impressions of me tend to be. Luckily for me, I have a very outspoken friend who told me exactly what she thought the first time she met me.

Natalie proceeded to tell me she found me unapproachable and intimidating the first time she met me almost a year ago…not exactly the two adjectives that I want used to describe me. This really made me wonder that if this is how she felt the first time she met me, does this mean I come off the same way to complete strangers in passing? I am one who really doesn’t care what other people think, but I hated thinking I was being avoided because I come off as a cold person, because that is the complete opposite of my personality. But then, I decided to embrace what Natalie told me, instead of worrying about it.

Lately, I have been more aware of how I carry myself because I don’t want to be purposely avoided. Just the other day, I was in my favorite local coffee shop and I have been going there multiple times throughout the week for months now, so the faces are very familiar, as I am sure mine is at this point. I never really held conversations aside from the basic “Hi, how are you today,” then I would grab my coffee and make my way to favorite orange table to work. I wanted to change this, so instead of just standing there idly on my phone while I was waiting for my Da Vinci to be brewed, I started talking with the barista and asked about her holiday. We then discussed a range of topics from the holiday, to installing a new shed in her backyard to even her family. Then she handed me my coffee in a cup she said she purposely chose to match my shirt. Little things like this can turn any day around for me. Since then, every time I enter the coffee shop, it’s so much more welcoming and makes me want to stay all day.

Sometimes, when people may seem cold, it may be because they aren’t comfortable making the first move. Don’t blatantly avoid someone when you haven’t even spoken a word to them, just know you may need to initiate everything.

Today, while grocery shopping with my mother, we ran into some family that I haven’t seen in a while. We caught up for about 10 minutes and she asked about my career and where I was headed. She told me that she could tell I am independent and confident and she knew I was going to succeed just by how I carried myself the rare times we run into each other. This definitely sounds better than being unapproachable and intimidating, but at least now I am aware that some people are more leery, and I don’t mind making the first move anymore.

Steal my look today: Haute Society Top: TJ Maxx, Kardashian Kollection skirt: Sears

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