Spring Dreaming

13th May 2014


You remember the popular Field of Dreams quote, “If you build it, they will come,” well this is kind of what I was going for today, but I changed it to, “If I wear it, it will come.” I am hoping spring comes early, so I wore my bright yellow jeans and keeping my fingers crossed! Today I have on my yellow Abercrombie and Fitch jeans, an American Rag halter top from Macy’s and a white Dream Out Loud jacket. This outfit is definitely spring inspired, and I am hoping I am not the only one wishing spring would come a little sooner. In the video I am posting with Kevin Durant, he says something that is extremely true with fashion. He states, “You can tell when someone is comfortable…” This is so true. Do not try to be someone else, be yourself and your confidence will overcome anything. I hope my posts inspire you to step out of your comfort zone some, but if you do not feel comfortable in an outfit, then do not wear it.

You should be you, and you should be comfortable and confident each day!!

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